Tips To Avoid Getting Scammed By Fake Business Opportunities And Investments
In this impactful podcast episode, Jay interviews Jayson Thornton from the popular YouTube channel “Pocket Watching With JT” as he gives a financial security masterclass on identifying unethical business opportunities and fake gurus. JT unveils a treasure trove of invaluable insights and practical advice to keep your hard-earned money safe from scammers and grifters. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the latest scammer playbook, JT shares empowering strategies to protect your pocket.

In today’s landscape, there has been a plethora of get-rich-quick schemes, unscrupulous gurus, and platforms that don’t vet their guests that have caused a lot of harm in our community by allowing unqualified people onto their platforms and cosigning them and allowing them to scam their audience. I’m not calling out any names because people are innocent until proven guilty, and my objective is not to tear down anybody or anything without knowing all the facts or allowing them due process.
Seven Tips To Protect Yourself From Scammers And Fake Gurus
- Remember The Source – who are you getting information from, and what’s in it for them?
- Are they qualified to give you the information – what qualifications, certifications, and or experience does that person have to supply you with the information?
- Do they have proof of success doing what they say they are doing– can they prove their success?
- Is the information they are providing worth the price – is the information valuable and are you able to get it somewhere else for less money? Are these people selling overpriced information, courses, or programs?
- If it’s too good to be true, it probably is – think realistically about the offer. If someone is offering unrealistic returns, the deal is probably a scam.
- Make sure there is always legitimate paperwork involved in your transactions and let your attorney review it – make sure everything is documented and vetted before you invest money.
- Ask yourself if this really makes sense – take time to ask yourself if this deal, opportunity, or proposition really makes sense. Is it feasible and have others done it before? Stop looking at the possible returns and break down the opportunity.