Is your business offering a “nice to have” or a “must have”? If you’re selling a product or service, the difference between a vitamin (optional) and a painkiller (essential) could make or break your success.
In episode #538 of the Black Entrepreneur Blueprint podcast, Jay Jones breaks down the 7 critical steps to ensure your product or service is something people can’t live without. Discover how to shift from selling “nice-to-haves” to “must-haves” and watch your profits skyrocket. If you’re ready to guarantee

Today we are going to discuss why you need to sell painkillers (must haves) versus vitamins (nice to have). On today’s show I’m going to give you a 7-step formula to find profitable painkillers in your niche.
What Is A Vitamin? (Nice to have) – A vitamin is something that’s nice to have. It is designed to try to help solve your problem which it may or may not do.
What Is A Painkiller (A must-have) – A painkiller is a definitive solution to a problem that actually works.
Why Selling Painkillers Is More Effective – People move away from pain more than they move towards pleasure. How many times do you put something off until it gets unbearable like a toothache?
How Do You Find Or Create Painkillers? You learn how to identify and solve problems you have or your audience has. The bigger the problem the more money you make.
The 7-Step Formula
Take a sheet of paper and create 4 vertical columns that go down 3/4 of the page. Leave the bottom quarter of the page blank.
1. In the far-left column title that column “Personal Problems I Solved.” Now write down all the problems you’ve solved in your personal life and how you solved them. Example: I lost 25 pounds by eating a low-fat diet
2. In the next column titled “Personal Problems I Want To Solve.” Now write down all the problems that you personally want to solve and see if you can create a solution. Also, make sure there are other people who have the same problem. Example: I need quality leads for my business
3. In the next column title “Problems My Audience Or Market Has.” Now look at or survey your audience/market to see if there is a common problem that they have. Identify as many problems you can think of and write them down from the biggest problem to the least problem.
4. In the last column title, it “Easiest Solutions.” Look at all the problems you’ve identified in the first three columns and write down the three problems with the easiest solution you can create.
5. On the bottom quarter of the page title it “The Problem I’m going to solve is?” Determine what problem makes the most sense to solve. What is the easiest solution you can create, or have you already created it?
6. Test your hypothesis by creating an offer. Use a simple landing page and drive traffic using social media posts or sending your current database to the site. That’s why having a database is key.
7. Get proof of concept. If people pay for your offer and you can be profitable in solving that problem, you have a winner. You’re selling the painkillers they need.